Top 6 Marketable Tech Skills

Learn more about how DevOps teams must adopt a more agile development process, working in parallel instead of waiting on other teams to finish their components or for resources to become available, brought to you in partnership with CA Technologies.
As we move towards a new year, many people are thinking forwards. If you’re thinking about learning any new skills, there are several areas you can focus on. Technology is quickly becoming integrated into every part of our lives, and the industry needs professionals to can help develop this technology. If you’re not sure where to focus your energy, these skills are quickly becoming the most marketable.

1. Software Development

At the end of the day, it’s software that’s running our modern world. There is a desperate need for people who can write that software. Any time a large tech company sets up shop, the region is suddenly in desperate need of software developers. For example, the software development community has better career outlooks than many other parts of the United States. Even if you aren’t willing to move, there are plenty of online jobs you can do.

2. Project Management

The one thing that internet gives us is the power to scale. An app can be built by a team of just a few people, but that same application might be used by millions. With companies working on projects that are more complex and advanced than ever, they need to manage a huge team of people who are all working on one small component of a much larger puzzle. Project managers are responsible for making these people work cohesively, so the group can move as a whole.

3. Dot Com Development

If you’re interested in coding but want to create something a little more tangible, then seeking experience as a web developer could be very promising. Historically, developers have divided themselves into front-end and back-end categories. Today, full stack developers are in demand more than ever. Even if you’ve got experience with one side of the equation, now is a great time to expand.

4. Analytics

We now have computer systems that are so powerful that almost everything can be tracked. Analytics is the process of taking all this data that has been collected and breaking it down into easy-to-understand metrics. Research determined that 34% of surveyed tech companies planned to hire somebody with analytics experience in the next 12 months.

5. Database Management

Our computers are only as useful as the data that drives them, and database management requires maintaining the increasingly complex systems that we use to store and categorize this data. Thanks to the rise of Big Data and Analytics, database management is still a hot career. With neural networks quickly becoming an accessible technology, we only see growth in the future of this skill.

6. Security

With our information now moving to the cloud, data breaches are a very large concern. For this reason, computer security professionals are in higher demand than ever before. Almost 50% of Washington app development companies surveyed said they plan to increase spending on their security, and there are many indicators that related industries will follow along. If you have skills in the area, this is an excellent opportunity. While it's hard to get your foot in the door, this career path shows higher rates of growth than most.

Discover the warning signs of DevOps Dysfunction and learn how to get back on the right track, brought to you in partnership with CA Technologies.

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