Trump Is Still Not Very Popular, and His Problem With Women Could Return

■ Only 35 percent of Americans expect Donald J. Trump to be a good or great president.
■ Mr. Trump’s choice of the Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. executive to be labor secretary may raise questions anew about his attitude toward women.
■ Bipartisan group of senators urges the president-elect to take a stand against Russian aggression.
■ Ivanka Trump spells out her advocacy role.

Hillary Clinton, out of the woods.

Hillary Clinton, in a rare postelection public appearance, said on Thursday that “lives are at risk” from an “epidemic of malicious fake news.”
“It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly,” she said at the Capitol, days after a gunman was arrested at a Washington pizza restaurant that had been linked to a fictitious child sex ring.
Speaking at the unveiling of a portrait of the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, who is retiring, Mrs. Clinton joked that the occasion was not the postelection visit she had once pictured.
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“This is not exactly the speech at the Capitol I hoped to be giving,” she said. “But after a few weeks of taking selfies in the woods, I thought it’d be a good idea to come out.”
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President-elect Donald J. Trump toured the Carrier plant in Indianapolis last week.CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times

Donald Trump’s still not all that popular.

Nearly a month after Mr. Trump’s election as president, he still has a long way to go to win the confidence of the nation.
A Pew Research Center poll of 1,502 adults found that 35 percent of Americans thought Mr. Trump would be a good or great president; 18 percent said he would be average; while 38 percent said he would be poor or terrible. That is better than in October, when just 25 percent of the public said Mr. Trump would make a good or great president, while 57 percent said he would be poor or terrible.
The poll found that 40 percent approved of the president-elect’s cabinet choices and other appointments, while 41 percent were satisfied with his explanations of policies and plans for the future.
By comparison, in December 2008, 71 percent approved of Barack Obama’s cabinet choices. In January 2001, 58 percent had positive views of George W. Bush’s appointments. Similarly, 72 percent approved of the way Mr. Obama explained his policies and plans. Mr. Bush had a 50 percent rating in that regard.

Trump and women: Issue may re-emerge with his Labor Dept. pick.

Well before the emergence of a video of Mr. Trump bragging of sexual assault, his attitude toward women posed a political problem for him. With the president said to be reaching out to the fast-food executive Andrew F. Puzder to lead Labor, look for the questions to come back.
Why? A quick glance at the advertisements for his Carl’s Jr. burger chain is enough to get the point.

“I like our ads,” Mr. Puzder told the publication Entrepreneur. “I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis. I think it’s very American.”
Women’s groupsreligious activists and academics have been complainingabout the racy ads for years. But with Mr. Puzder coming before the Senate for confirmation, they will have a platform like never before.

Concern over Russian aggression re-emerges.

The president-elect still says he does not think the Russians were behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee or the release of purloined emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta. Nor did he express much concern for Moscow’s annexation of Crimea or its threats to its neighbors.
But lawmakers are speaking out. In a bipartisan letter to the president-elect, 27 senators — 12 of them Republican, including Marco Rubio of Florida, John McCain of Arizona and Rob Portman of Ohio — demanded action to stop Russian aggression against Ukraine.
“In light of Russia’s continued aggression and repeated refusal to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereign right to choose its own destiny, we also renew our call for the United States to increase political, economic, and military support for Ukraine.This includes defensive lethal assistance as part of a broader effort to help Ukrainians better defend themselves, deter future aggression, and implement key structural reforms. Similarly, we believe that Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea should never be accepted, nor should we lift sanctions imposed on Russia for its behavior in eastern Ukraine until key provisions of the Minsk Agreement are met. Accordingly, U.S. leadership on maintaining such transatlantic sanctions should remain a priority.”

Christie is out as Republican Party chairman.

The humiliation of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey just keeps coming: He has been told he will not be named to lead the Republican National Committee, according to several people briefed on the discussions in Mr. Trump’s transition.
Mr. Christie was pushed out of his role overseeing the transition almost immediately after the election.
The party committee role would have allowed him to remain governor while keeping a hand in national politics. But few people in Mr. Trump’s circle are offering support for Mr. Christie these days — even if he was the first national political figure to embrace Mr. Trump’s candidacy.
Among the remaining contenders for the job are Ronna Romney McDaniel, chairwoman of the Michigan G.O.P. and a niece of Mitt Romney’s; Nick Ayers, an aide to Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and Mercedes Schlapp, a Republican strategist. Ms. McDaniel, who strongly supported Mr. Trump during the campaign, is said to be favored by a number of people in his circle.
Oh, and on Wednesday, Mr. Christie got this news: At 19 percent, his job approval rating is the lowest of any governor in any state in more than 20 years.

Trump clashes with union local president.

The president-elect of the United States got into a fight on Wednesday with the president of a union local in Indiana, another sign that Mr. Trump has a hard time letting things go.
Chuck Jones, the president of United Steelworkers Local 1999, told The Washington Post on Tuesday that the president-elect had “lied his ass off” when he claimed he had saved 1,100 jobs at the Carrier furnace plant in Indianapolis from going to Mexico. That was pretty much backed up by the chief executive of United Technologies, the parent company of Carrier, who said on CNBC that he would automate the plant and lay off many of the workers anyway.
But it was Mr. Jones’s appearance on CNN on Wednesday that got Mr. Trump’s goat.
“What nobody’s mentioning is 550 people are losing their jobs,” Mr. Jones said, adding that 700 other positions at a different Indiana plant would be moving to Mexico.
The president-elect saw fit to fire back.
Mr. Jones appeared again on CNN’s “New Day” on Thursday morning, and he didn’t back down.
“He didn’t tell the truth. He inflated the numbers and I called him out on it. You hear all the time how much of a skilled negotiator that he is. You know, he says about himself. So, I’ve been in a lot of negotiations as a union representative. So, I would have to assume that he sure as the world either knew the precise numbers or most certainly should have.”

First Daughter: advocate-in-chief.

Ivanka Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan last month. CreditTodd Heisler/The New York Times
As she ponders a likely move to Washington, Ivanka Trump, the president-elect’s eldest daughter, plans to develop a portfolio of issue advocacy, primarily on matters relating to women, she has told allies.
Among them is pay equity for women in the workplace and trying to push for the passage of the child care policy she urged her father to develop during the campaign.
Ms. Trump has also recently added climate change to her emerging set of issues, hosting the former Vice President Al Gore for a meeting at Trump Tower, and bringing Leonardo DiCaprio to her father Mr. Trump on Wednesday.

But actions on climate change may speak louder.

Ivanka Trump may be talking up the perils of climate change, but her father is showing little concern. On Thursday morning he made it official: Scott Pruitt, the attorney general of Oklahoma, has been chosen to be Mr. Trump’s E.P.A. administrator, potentially putting an ardent opponent of federal environmental regulations and a climate change denialist in charge of the agency.
“For too long, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent taxpayer dollars on an out-of-control anti-energy agenda that has destroyed millions of jobs, while also undermining our incredible farmers and many other businesses and industries at every turn,” Mr. Trump said. “As my E.P.A. administrator, Scott Pruitt, the highly respected attorney general from the state of Oklahoma, will reverse this trend and restore the E.P.A.’s essential mission of keeping our air and our water clean and safe.”
Mr. Pruitt’s confirmation may be one of the toughest to secure: Senate Democrats did not take a wait-and-see approach, and many said they would never support him.
“I expect the American people will be shocked that President-elect Trump has chosen someone with such disdain for their health as they learn more about Pruitt during his confirmation hearings,” said Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island. “Stay tuned.”

Just what is Trump saying on climate change?

On the same day the president-elect chose a climate change denialist to run the E.P.A., he sat down with Mr. DiCaprio to hear his pitch Wednesday on clean energy to repair a warming planet.
Terry Tamminen, chief executive of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, sounded optimistic:
“Climate change is bigger than politics, and the disastrous effects on our planet and our civilization will continue regardless of what party holds majorities in Congress or occupies the White House. The president-elect expressed his desire for a follow-up meeting in January, and we look forward to continuing the conversation with the incoming administration.”
But in this topsy-turvy world, most environmental activists are looking at what Mr. Trump does more than at what he says, and the choice of Mr. Pruitt, who has led the legal fight against President Obama’s climate regulations, is a bigger marker than another meeting with a celebrity.

Bush operations chief may get same job in Trump White House.

Joseph W. Hagin, a deputy chief of staff for operations under President George W. Bush, is a strong contender in the eyes of some of Mr. Trump’s advisers to take the same role in the Trump administration, according to a person with direct knowledge of the discussions.
One person briefed on the discussions said that Mr. Hagin could play a role in informally advising the incoming staff, but that others in Mr. Trump’s circle of advisers did not want to see him take on that job.
Mr. Hagin would come to the job with deep experience in crucial aspects of managing a White House. But he also rose to prominence working for the man whose tenure Mr. Trump spent his campaign criticizing.
Mr. Hagin and aides to Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment.

Consumer confidence soars.

new Bloomberg Politics poll indicated that 54 percent of adults believed stock prices would be higher at the end of 2017 than they are today, and that with Mr. Trump’s election, Americans are more optimistic about their finances.
Around 38 percent of respondents expected 2017 to be a better financial year than 2016, while 14 percent said they would be worse off and forty-five percent said things would be about the same.
In December 2012, after Mr. Obama’s re-election, 31 percent of respondents said they were more optimistic about their finances for the next year.

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