Matteo Renzi Resigns, Ending Italy’s 63rd Government in 70 Years

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy in Rome on Monday. CreditAlessandro Bianchi/Reuters
ROME — Matteo Renzi officially stepped down as prime minister on Wednesday, three days after his stinging defeat in a critical referendum, formally ending Italy’s 63rd government in 70 years.
Mr. Renzi had already tendered his resignation early Monday, after Italians overwhelmingly rejected a series of proposed changes to the Constitution on which he had staked his seat.
On Monday, President Sergio Mattarella asked the prime minister to stay on to approve the budget for the coming year. The budget was passed on Wednesday, and Mr. Renzi formalized his resignation soon after. This time, Mr. Mattarella accepted, but he asked the government to stay on in a caretaker capacity to handle day-to-day affairs.
The ball now falls into Mr. Mattarella’s court. On Thursday, he will begin consulting with the leaders of Italy’s political parties to verify the various options open to him.
The Italian president could call for new elections, but he has made clear that he will not consider returning to the polls before a new electoral law has been passed. The current electoral law for the lower house is under review by Italy’s constitutional court. The court announced on Tuesday that it would issue a decision on the constitutionality of the law, known as the Italicum, on Jan. 24.
Another electoral law applies to the Senate, and Mr. Mattarella says he will not call new elections until a single electoral system covers both houses of Parliament, the Italian news media reported.
The government crisis did not appear to rattle the Italian stock market on Wednesday, which closed up 2.1 percent. Even Italy’s banks, saddled with bad loans, closed higher.
Political stability has always been elusive in Italy. A combination of a multiparty system and its electoral laws make it difficult for any one party to have a strong majority.
The changes Mr. Renzi asked Italians to approve were meant to streamline the legislative process and shrink the Senate by two-thirds, making it easier to pass necessary, if unpopular, overhauls to kick-start the moribund Italian economy.
Mr. Renzi had campaigned vigorously in favor of the changes to the Constitution, but 59.1 percent of the voters rejected them.
Mr. Renzi’s government was one of only four governments to last more than 1,000 days. He came to power in 2014 after staging an internal party coup, alienating his Democratic Party’s more left-leaning factions.
The referendum and subsequent fall of Mr. Renzi further aggravated this fissure, and speculation was rife in the news media this week over Mr. Renzi’s role at the helm of the party.
“There’s an internal discussion that must be held that I think will be difficult,” Mr. Renzi told members of his party on Wednesday afternoon. But he asked that the showdown not take place until after the Italian president resolves the government crisis. Mr. Renzi also said he would not be part of the delegation that is to meet with Mr. Matterella in coming days.
The failure of the measures on the referendum call for “ample considerations,” he said during a relaxed, joke-filled 20-minute speech at the party’s headquarters. He was warmly applauded.
The problems that he, and the Parliament, had hoped to resolve through the proposed changes to the Constitution still have to be dealt with, he said.
In a nod to the populist pull of the Five Star Movement, the party set to pose the biggest threat in the next elections, Mr. Renzi took a page from their playbook and said that his party’s discussions in coming days would be streamed online. “We want to be transparent to all citizens, and to our people,” Mr. Renzi said.
Various people have been discussed as possible successors to Mr. Renzi, Among them are Pietro Grasso, president of the Senate, and Pier Carlo Padoan, Italy’s finance minister, who is respected in Europe. The president could also ask Mr. Renzi’s party to try to form another government.
In a newsletter published on his website on Wednesday, Mr. Renzi said he was not in a position to decide on Italy’s future anymore. “The parties — all the parties — must accept their responsibilities,”

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