Woman Accused of Coat-Hanger Abortion Pleads Guilty to Felony

Anna Yocca was initially charged with attempted murder. CreditRutherford County Sherriff's Office
A Tennessee woman jailed for more than a year after trying to use a coat hanger to abort her 24-week-old fetus pleaded guilty on Monday to one felony count in exchange for her immediate release from jail.
The woman, Anna Yocca, 32, sought medical care at a hospital after attempting the at-home abortion in September 2015, according to National Advocates for Pregnant Women, an advocacy group that helped with her defense. She was later arrested and was initially charged with attempted murder. Under an agreement reached with prosecutors, she pleaded guilty this week to attempted procurement of a miscarriage and was given credit for time served.
Her case has alarmed abortion-rights advocates concerned by increasingly strict state abortion laws and the election of Donald J. Trump, who has expressed support for overturning Roe v. Wade and once said during the presidential campaign that women who have abortions should be punished.
“This case sends a dangerous message,” said Lynn M. Paltrow, executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, who called the prosecution of Ms. Yocca “a misuse of the existing criminal law system.”
“Her plea cannot be seen as any kind of validation for the use of criminal law to address pregnancy or any kind of outcome of pregnancy,” Ms. Paltrow said. “It’s an example of how criminal law can be used to pressure and intimidate people into pleading guilty to crimes so they don’t spend even more years incarcerated.”
Ms. Yocca’s lawyer, Gerald Melton, did not respond to an email seeking comment on Tuesday. Attempts to reach the Rutherford County district attorney by telephone on Tuesday were unsuccessful.
Ms. Yocca sought medical attention after her attempted at-home abortion because of heavy bleeding. While at the hospital, she gave birth to a premature baby boy by cesarean section. The baby was placed in foster care and later adopted.
After Ms. Yocca’s arrest, The Murfreesboro Post reported that the boy weighed just 1.5 pounds when he was born and that he had a number of severe medical problems that may have been attributable to prenatal injuries caused by the hanger.
But many of those ailments could have been caused by the baby’s premature birth, Ms. Paltrow said, and because the case did not go to trial, no evidence about the child’s medical condition was presented in court.
Ms. Yocca was arrested in December 2015 and held at the Rutherford County jail because she was unable to put up the $200,000 bond for her release. Ms. Yocca’s case ricocheted from one indictment to another over the course of a year as she remained in jail.
The attempted murder charge was dismissed in February 2016, but Ms. Yocca was then re-indicted on a charge of aggravated fetal assault under a controversial 2014 law intended to target pregnant drug abusers whose babies were harmed by their drug use. Ms. Yocca was never accused of illegal drug use.
The state’s fetal assault law expired in July 2016, and legislators declined to re-enact it. Ms. Yocca remained in jail until prosecutors charged her with three new felonies in November: aggravated assault with a weapon — in this case, a coat hanger — and two laws enacted in the 19th century, attempted criminal abortion and attempted procurement of a miscarriage.
Abortion is tightly regulated in Tennessee. State law permits abortion after 24 weeks only if there is a risk to the woman’s health or life, but women seeking an abortion must get in-person counseling from an abortion provider, wait 48 hours, then return for the procedure.
A state constitutional ballot measure passed in 2014 established that “nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion.” There are abortion clinics in only four of the state’s 95 counties, and Rutherford County is not one of them.
P.C: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/11/us/tennessee-abortion-crime.html

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