Donald Trump’s Inauguration, Women’s March: Your Weekend Briefing

CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
1. “From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first.”
Those were the words of President Trump at his inauguration on Friday, just as rain began falling in the capital.
His forceful address offered a strikingly grim view of the United States, repudiated the establishment and alarmed leaders around the world — but also energized his supporters at home and abroad.
At age 70, Mr. Trump became the oldest president sworn in for the first time and the first to have never served either in public office or as a military general.
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CreditRuth Fremson/The New York Times
2. Hundreds of thousands of women gathered to protest Mr. Trump in Washington on Saturday, above, and many more demonstrated in cities around the nation and the world. Here is a photographic roundup.
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On Friday, protests in the capital turned violent at times.
Mr. Trump begins his term with less popular support than any new president in modern times.
CreditThe New York Times
3. These photos show a much smaller crowd for Mr. Trump’s inauguration than for Mr. Obama’s in 2009. Both were taken 45 minutes before the ceremony.
Our reporters noted a “peculiar sensation” in Washington, where pockets of eerie quiet existed as residents and others skipped town.
Mr. Trump and his press secretary falsely claimed that Mr. Trump drew “the largest inaugural crowd ever.” Mr. Trump also said the media had invented his friction with the intelligence community and called journalists “among the most dishonest human beings on earth.”
CreditTodd Heisler/The New York Times
4. The mood among Mr. Trump’s supporters was jubilant and beyond.
“My savior is born,” yelled Amy Azzo, an Iraqi immigrant who traveled from Michigan for the inauguration. “President Trump — I love it.”
Scattered chants of “Lock her up!” came from the crowd, but Hillary Clinton strode on stage with a practiced smile.
CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
5. One of Mr. Trump’s first acts as president was to sign an executive order aimed at scaling back the Affordable Care Act.
A report earlier in the week estimated that as many as 18 million people could lose insurance if major provisions of the health care law are repealed.
A full digital turnover of happened within moments of Mr. Trump’s inauguration, and the official White House Twitter handles also changed over — but whether the president will forgo using his personal Twitter account remains unclear.
CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times
6. The Senate confirmed the first two cabinet nominees: James N. Mattis as defense secretary, above, and John F. Kelly as homeland security secretary.
Democrats delayed a vote on Mike Pompeo’s confirmation as C.I.A. director until Monday.
And the Justice Department cleared Mr. Trump’s appointment of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House adviser, saying that the president’s special hiring authority exempted such a position from antinepotism laws.

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CreditSam Hodgson for The New York Times
7. President Trump now oversees the intelligence agencies that are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions for possible links between his associates and Russian officials.
Among those being scrutinized are Paul Manafort, above, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman; Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign; and Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative.
It is not clear whether the communications have anything to do with Mr. Trump, but he has the authority to redirect or stop at least some of the efforts.
CreditStephen Crowley/The New York Times
8. Mr. Obama left for a family vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., after saying goodbye to about 2,000 political appointees at Joint Base Andrews.
The Obamas pledged to build democracy through the Obama Foundation. They will live in Washington. Joe Biden and his wife are looking for a small house in the same neighborhood.
As the Obamas and Bidens headed out of town, Mr. Trump and his wife made stops at three official inaugural balls. We party-hopped to provide a look at the festivities.
CreditEbrahim Noroozi/Associated Press
9. And the world keeps turning. Here’s a quick rundown of other top stories:
• The Earth hit a record high temperature in 2016, for the third year in a row.
• Chelsea Manning was granted clemency and will be released from prison in May.
• The Mexican drug kingpin known as El Chapo was extradited to the United States.
• An avalanche buried a hotel in Italy. In Tehran, above, a burning skyscraper collapsed on live TV.
• The United States bombed Islamic State training camps in Libya and carried out a punishing airstrike against Al Qaeda in Syria.
• At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Britain’s leader argued that the country is committed to free trade and globalization.
• In tennis, Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic were both knocked out of the Australian Open, and Rafael Nadal advanced. N.F.L. playoffs continue Sunday.
CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times
10. Finally, one of our best-read articles this week was about the thousands of letters mailed to Mr. Obama each day of his presidency.
He read 10 a day, selected by staff members and interns tasked with reading every message that arrived. They told the unfiltered story of a nation.
“I never thought about how powerful a letter was,” one of the staffers told us.
Photographs may appear out of order for some readers. Viewing this version of the briefing should help.
Your Weekend Briefing is published Sundays at 6 a.m. Eastern.
And don’t miss Your Morning Briefing, weekdays at 6 a.m. Eastern, and Your Evening Briefing, weeknights at 6 p.m. Eastern.
Want to look back? Here’s Friday’s Evening Briefing.
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