Donald Trump Lashes Out at Hillary Clinton, Calling Her ‘Guilty as Hell’

■ President-elect Donald J. Trump lashed out at Hillary Clinton again on Friday and he angrily denounced the dossier of dirt compiled by a retired British intelligence agent.
■ Cher is striking back at Mr. Trump on social media. And she’s aiming for a place where it may hurt him most: in his television ratings.
■ The House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, assured an illegal immigrant that the president-elect’s promised deportation force would not happen.
The House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, has long supported an immigration plan that mixed new border security measures with protections for some illegal immigrants. CreditChip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump attacks Hillary Clinton over emails

The election was more than two months ago, the Electoral College ballots have been certified, and the inauguration is a week away, but the president-elect has not gone beyond campaign mode when it comes to Hillary Clinton.
After the decision by the Justice Department inspector general to investigate James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, over his actions in the final days of the campaign, Mr. Trump went on a tirade.
The leap to “guilty as hell” was a big one. The investigation will center on why Mr. Comey sent a public letter to Congress in the last days of the campaign announcing that the F.B.I. was reopening the Clinton emails investigation after discovering other messages on the laptop of Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide. Days later, Mr. Comey announced that the computer held no incriminating evidence.

A ‘fake’ dossier has gotten under Trump’s skin

In his Twitter rant on Friday morning, Mr. Trump again brought up the unsubstantiated, explosive dossier that a retired British intelligence agent compiled from information that he said Russia possesses.
Mr. Trump likes to dismiss the “failing New York Times,” but he clearly reads it closely. The Times published a lengthy history of the dossier in question that traces it to Republican and Democratic operatives who helped bankroll it to stop Mr. Trump’s election. Left unsaid are the respectable credentials of the British spy, Christopher Steele, or the fact that he is now in hiding, fearing retribution.

An antagonist is striking back: Cher

One of Mr. Trump’s most provocative and persistent antagonists, Cher, is leading a new boycott of the president-elect that aims to hit him where he will most certainly feel it: his Nielsen ratings.
Under the Twitter hashtag “TURNHIMOFF,” Cher began on Thursday night circulating her plea for people who oppose Mr. Trump to turn off their televisions when his inaugural festivities begin next Friday.
“Ratings are what he understands,” the singer and actress said in a phone interview.
Cher’s Twitter feed became one of the most animated and popular sources of anti-Trump sentiment during the election. And the ferocity that she — a 70-year-old megacelebrity with nearly 3.2 million Twitter followers — went after Mr. Trump seemed to perfectly capture what a surreal turn American politics took in 2016.

If you don’t have something nice to say ...

Mr. Trump’s foray onto social media Friday morning wasn’t all anger and spittle. He praised his cabinet picks’ performances before the Senate — which have gone well, on the whole — and the progress Congress is making toward gutting the Affordable Care Act.
The House is likely to give final approval on Friday to parliamentary language that would allow Congress to eviscerate President Obama’s signature domestic achievement with a simple Senate majority this spring, and without fear of a Democratic filibuster.
What comes next is uncertain, and of grave concern to the 20 million Americans now covered by the health law and the millions more protected by its prohibitions on discrimination for pre-existing medical conditions and lifetime coverage caps.

Paul Ryan says no to deportation force

From the department of mixed messages: The House speaker said on Thursday that the United States would not send out a large force to remove thousands of illegal immigrants any time soon.
“It’s not happening,” Mr. Ryan said during a CNN town hall-style meeting in Washington, where a woman whose parents brought her to the United States at age 11 — a category often referred to as “dreamers,” asked him, “Do you think that I should be deported?”
Mr. Ryan said that Mr. Trump’s promise of a deportation force would not come to fruition. “I can see that you love your daughter and you’re a nice person who has a great future ahead of you,” he said, “and I hope your future’s here.”
When the moderator, Jake Tapper, reminded Mr. Ryan of the president-elect’s campaign promise to create a “deportation force,” Mr. Ryan said, “I know, I know.” He continued, “But I’m here to tell you, in Congress, it’s not happening.”
Mr. Ryan has long supported an immigration plan that would mix new border security measures with protections for some illegal immigrants, but he has had little luck getting other Republican members of the House to join him.

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